When someone is clearly wrong about something, my first reaction is to tell them so. I’ve never really found that to be a great way to get someone to see the Truth, though.
Think about it this way: we make choices based on the information available. We used to know that the Earth was the center of the universe. Until it wasn’t. The speed of light was as fast as anything can go. Until it wasn’t. (Well, maybe).
So, if your customer is always right (even when they’re wrong), what’s a marketer to do? Help them feel validated and understood with some active listening. Ask questions about their assumptions. For this, I love to use IDEO’s Five Whys.
You can’t help shift their perspective until you truly understand it.
You just stole my post Seth. We are no longer friends. http://www.kennedypittman.com/why-you-are-dead-wr…
Ah, crap. Sorry. Here's a double facepalm for you: http://tundratabloids.com/wp-content/uploads/2011…