3 Ways to Use Scarcity As A Strategy In A Digital World

The Internet changes everything. Also: water is wet, and Conan O’Brien is ridiculously tall. Seriously, if you haven’t realized that yet, just go back to living in your cave. If your product can be turned into ones and zeroes, your existing business model...

Not My Job

How often do you hear this at your workplace: “Sorry, that’s not my job.” On the rare occasion I hear it, I always wish I’d recorded it. Then played a “not my job” compilation for some customers. And made the not-my-jobbers watch...

A Tale of Two Strategies: Ping and Kindle Web

Ping is Apple’s social network built on top of iTunes. iTunes, of course, is the biggest music store in the universe. Kindle for the Web is Amazon’s latest addition to their market-dominating eBook reader line. Amazon sells lots of books. Both Ping and...
The General and the Farmer

The General and the Farmer

I read “The Secret Sauce: Growing a Company by Word of Mouth” over on Brains On Fire  and it got me thinking about the idea of “strategy” more generally. Strategy is a military word. It’s the “art of a general.” The idea is to...