Pinterest Spam is here

Look out, intrepid Pinners. Spam has made it’s way to Pinterest. I posted a lovely cartoon by The Oatmeal about how frustrating it is to try to watch Game of Thrones, and within seconds had a “like.” While that’s not all that odd, what got my...

Truth(iness) In Advertising

I had a poetry professor tell me once “don’t tell. Show.” We were supposed to write a poem about the color blue. I picked a trip to the California coast. She wanted me to show what that smelled like, felt like, looked like, sounded like. She...
How To Be An Awesome Blogger In 3 Easy Steps

How To Be An Awesome Blogger In 3 Easy Steps

1. Break a complex subject into 2. Three arbitrary & meaningless steps 3. Title your post “How To [insert complex subject] In 3 Easy Steps” 4. Always include a fourth “bonus” step. E.g.: Profit! Eat a donut! or (my fave) Skip to Ma Lou My...